Nowadays there are many ways to earn money online, but it can often be very expensive, time consuming and web/marketing skills are necessary. We’ve discovered a brand new company which enables small businesses and individuals to sell products at fair is a first international mobile marketplace. The start up based in europe have just launched a completely new mobile-first website making it even easier to open an online shop and sell online with little effort.
The site has a similar layout to Pinterest and is a simple search engine like Google, full of products and services from all over the globe. If you’re based in India looking to sell abroad, the price of your product will be automatically translated into other currencies, making it easier to make international sales and earn fair prices.
If you are selling online already, you can now import all of those offers to just by pasting the URL of your product into their site. Your item will then appear with all the relevant data and image and you can also click the option to ‘import all other offers from this website’!
Another exciting feature is the internal currency called EZB Coins. This means that you can sell internationally without transaction fees or exchange rates. The only cost you may have is if you would like to cash-out these Coins to your bank account, which is a 10% handling fee. However, you can also avoid this fee by simply buying other items from with your EZB Coins.
So for any budding entrepreneurs out there, or anyone who’d like to sell something for free, could be a great way to boost your business or to start selling abroad. If you’d like to learn more about the platform you can also contact India on Facebook.
The platform was just launched in April and throughout the year there will be many more new features and improvements added. Take a look at the free online marketplace.