Welcome back to earningdiary. This post is about how to boost your Alexa rank. Alexa is another subsidiary of Amazon and it is used to measure the traffic level of a website. Most of the webmasters, advertisers use Alexa rank as a gauge to determine the worth of a link on your site. That means the higher you raise your Alexa rank the more money you can make with your blog/site. Simply follow the following tips to boost your Alexa rank-
1. Install Alexa toolbar:-This is the first step you have to do.Just install the alexa toolbar or Firefox’s searchstatus extension.
2. Set your blog as your home page:-This is the second step you have to do. This will work more for new sites.
3. Add alexa rank widget:-This is useful if your visitors don’t have a Alexa rank toolbar installed in their browser. Each single click on the widget counts as a single unique visitor. Click here to add this widget to your website.
4. Join forums:-Another great way to boost your Alexa rank. Because generally the forum members have a Alexa toolbar installed in their browser.Be active in social networking sites like Facebook,twitter.
5. Write a post about Alexa:-Most of the bloggers/webmasters interested to increase their Alexa rank. They will link to you and send targeted traffic.
6. Alexa auto surf:-Generally useful for new websites with a poor Alexa rank. But remember it is not a long term solution to boost your Alexa rank.
7. Tell others to use Alexa toolbar:-Advise others like friends,blog readers to install Alexa toolbar on their browser. Because visitors with Alexa toolbar are more valuable to you to lower your Alexa rank.
8. Get reviews on Alexa:-Try to get review your site on Alexa. You can ask your friends(both online and offline), blog readers, other webmasters/bloggers to review your site.
Always remember
Low Alexa rank= More popular your site.
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