6 Creative SEO Tips That Most Websites Don’t Use

The basics of SEO (keywords, back-linking and effective titles) are well known, but good optimization runs much deeper than surface-level tactics. If you’ve been working on SEO for some time but haven’t quite got the desired results, there are a few more creative methods that you can employ. Most websites overlook these strategies completely, so just by implementing them, you’ll already be ahead of the curve.Creative SEO Tips

#1 Optimize The Images

Your website is probably full of images, but if they aren’t optimized then they’re dead weight. Most people aren’t aware that images can be optimized, but the process is quite straightforward. Loading times are important. Websites that are overburdened with graphics and load slowly suffer with their rankings. Compress images and never upload anything that’s more than 2,500px on its longest side.

#2 Get an SSL Certificate

SSL certificates are an additional layer of protection that encrypts user data as they interact with your website. These certificates are essential if you handle private data like credit cards and addresses, but any website can benefit from having one. SSL certificates tell search engines that your site is professional and secure. That, in turn, equates to a higher ranking.

#3 And Then Upgrade to HTTPS

Along similar lines, the “S” in HTTPS stands for security. This is simply an extension of the older HTTP, but it adds an additional layer of security. It protects user data as it transfers between their computer and your website, ensuring that it isn’t interrupted or stolen. Upgrading to HTTPS is simple, but it’s highly prized by Google search engines and will help your website to rank higher.

#4 Use Multilingual SEO

Using translation management software to make your website more widely accessible is best practice anyway, but translation opens a whole new dimension of SEO. It’s easy to find and implement keywords in your native language, but that doesn’t need to be the end. Adding multilingual keywords means an additional layer of optimization, helping you to rank higher.

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#4 Optimize Your 404 Page

The 404 page is the part of the website that you’ve probably put the least thought into! It only appears when visitors take a wrong turn, perhaps trying to access a page that no longer exists or typing an incorrect URL extension. The 404 page is still part of your website, though. Use it to add a redirect to your main page or blog and add some keywords. SEO still counts even here, so make the most of it.

#5 Add Alt Text

Frequently overlooked, alt text is a form of caption that helps Google to categorize your images. Adding alt text simply for the sake of it won’t help with optimization, but ensuring that your images are categorized within your niche makes a big difference. Use keywords to let search engines know what the image is, why it’s relevant and how to categorize it correctly.

#6 Make a Sitemap

Google Search Console makes it easy to produce and upload a sitemap. Not only do these help you to understand your web infrastructure but they help with SEO, too. They ensure that all your website’s pages appear in searches, leading to an uptick in traffic. Site maps mean that no part of your website is left behind, so they’re hugely advantageous.