With continually rising costs, even in the grocery store, people are always looking for ways to save some money. Not only that, but many people want to start wasting less, knowing what all the trash and chemicals are doing to the earth and to the air that you breathe. There are many great ways that you can save money when you’re shopping, for just about anything and just as many ways to waste less.
If you’re ready to start doing better things for the environment, and for your wallet, the following will be some great tips that you may want to integrate into your daily life. Turn them into regular habits and you will find that you continually save more money and save the environment.
Buying Things In Bags And Bottles
The water crisis in Flint, Michigan is something that is being talked about all over the world, and with a safer public water system in place, it could have been prevented. Turn things like a water crisis, even if it was just a broken main near your home that was dealt with within a few days, into a chance to get creative.
When you buy things that are in bottles, like bottled water, or you get items in plastic bags, you shouldn’t be just tossing those things in the trash. While your plastic bottles may be recyclable, the recycling company that comes your home may not accept the plastic bags. If you don’t have a local place that you can take recyclables to, it’s time to start thinking of some clever things to do with these items.
There are instructions online for different craft projects to use any plastic items for. You can use plastic bags to make cool rugs for your floor, that work great in the bathroom. You can chop off the tops of water bottles and design the bottoms and use them to hold pens and other items. Use your imagination.
Buy In Bulk
Consider shopping some place where you can buy things in bulk, and bring your own reusable bags to put those items in. Even when you go to the grocery store to get your fruits and vegetables, you should be taking your own bags to put them in. You can even make your own mesh bags.
If you are buying a lot of products that are in boxes you could use those boxes for craft projects. Boxes make good book covers, so you could create some fun journals for your family or even sell online.
Follow Your Shopping List
To save money when you go shopping, whether you’re buying clothing, furniture, or even food, take a shopping list with you. Make sure you’re following that list. Avoid impulse buying.
Another way to save money when you go shopping is to have some coupon apps on your phone or clip some coupons to take with you. Coupons aren’t just for grocery shopping. You can download apps to your smartphone that will save you money on furniture, clothing, and any kind of household items that you need, and even on your visit to a restaurant for lunch on your big shopping trip.