How Does SMS Integration Work For Customer Service?

With the advancement of technology, consumers expect faster service. However, millennials hate talking on the phone, so businesses must be present on channels they expect to interact with. Integrating SMS for customer service allows you to retain and improve customer satisfaction while remaining on the preferred channels. But how do you do this?SMS integration

Get Permission Before Sending SMS Messages.

Before sending SMS marketing messages to your customers, you must obtain permission. Marketing messages sent via SMS are subject to different regulations than those sent by email. For example, those sent to an existing customer are considered to have an existing relationship if the consumer requested information or used the company’s services within the last three months. However, when sending texts to a new customer, you must obtain consent first.

First, getting your customers’ permission before sending them text messages is imperative. You can do this by opting them into your SMS marketing program through an online form or by texting a keyword or phrase to them. If you get permission from a customer, you can use the SMS database to inform them about your program and provide an opt-out option.

Get a 24/7 KPI Dashboard With Analytics.

If you’re wondering how to integrate SMS marketing into your business, you’ll want a CRM that gives you a 24/7 KPI dashboard with analytics for your SMS campaigns. Not only will this help you make better decisions about how to invest your SMS marketing dollars, but it will also help you track the effectiveness of your efforts, including your reply rates and click-through rates. KPI dashboards contain various charts and metrics that help you understand the factors that impact your customer service. 

Detect Chat Sentiment To Deliver Appropriate Automated Responses

Detect chat sentiment to deliver appropriate automated responses is an important step in improving customer service. This tool can recognize the positive and negative sentiments in conversations in various contexts. By analyzing individual words and phrases, the system can identify the level of emotion. It can also present synonyms for words and phrases to increase or decrease emotion. For example, if a customer leaves a negative review, the system will provide a response that will be more positive.

AI chatbots can help companies detect chat sentiment. They can learn from previous conversations and use sentiment analysis to react to real-time customer sentiment. These bots can also uncover the latest trends in the market and what products are selling best. With such advanced capabilities, this tool can eliminate uncertainties in new markets. And as a bonus, it doesn’t require a human agent. Artificial intelligence chatbots can handle hundreds of conversations and learn from them.

Collect Reviews And Feedback

SMS has proven to be a successful way to collect customer reviews and feedback. Its high open response and click-through rate have increased its popularity among business owners. When integrated into customer service, it improves your customers’ experience and allows your company to improve its service. Using SMS to collect reviews is an ideal way to increase customer retention and boost business profits.