Some of the best credit card terminals are free. It may sound hard to believe, but numerous merchant service providers offer free terminals and other free equipment in exchange for using their business. These free credit card payment machines are often state-of-the-art and feature the industry’s most advanced technology. Merchant Account Solutions is one such company that provides free equipment as part of their Currently Processing and Not Processing programs.
Learn a little about these packages to help you determine what is right for your credit card processing needs:
Currently Processing
The Currently Processing package is for businesses currently accepting credit cards. Merchant Account Solutions pays the cancellation fee to switch packages in addition to providing free equipment. The package is guaranteed to save money and does not include contracts. It does include next-day deposits and lower American Express rates.
Not Processing
The Not Processing package is for businesses not currently accepting credit or debit cards. The free startup kit includes a free terminal and supplies, free credit card decals, next-day deposits, and rates starting at 0.35 percent. The kit also includes same-day approval for your convenience.
Making the Switch
Switching credit card terminal processors is recommended if you are paying too much for your current service, continually have issues with your machines, or cannot accept the wide range of credit cards you want. Merchant Account Solutions caters to many business industries, including retail, food and beverage, health and fitness, beauty, transportation, commerce, nonprofits, and property management among others. They also offer pay-at-the-pump services.
Why settle for a lackluster terminal with a company who charges you outrageous fees, or why keep accepting cash only and neglecting a portion of your client base? Contact Merchant Account Solutions today to learn about wireless credit and debit machine options.