Want to earn money online but you don’t have enough investment to start an eCommerce store? Running an online store will need a lot of effort as you will need to focus constantly on increasing your sales. In this article we are sharing some of the best ways to make money online.
Don’t worry, because your options are not limited to just having an online store. What can you do apart from that? You can write and earn…
Don’t believe me, just watch some methods that I have shared below. And if you like these options, share the articles with others and help them to earn too.
Ready to explore these options? Let’s begin…
- Affiliate Marketing via Blog/Website
You might have seen this on some of the blogs or websites: “We receive a referral commission if you buy through our links”.
Yes, that is affiliate marketing. Here, you first have to register yourself as an affiliate with the stores or websites that are selling products. For example Amazon, Shopify, GoDaddy, etc. are some of the websites that offer an affiliate program.
They will give you a unique link to that product which you can mention in your blog/site. If someone buys that product through that link, you receive a specific percentage of commission from that website.
The percentage of the commission may vary from website to website. But, this is a basic and easy way to earn online.
Don’t Miss: How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing
- Get Ad Revenue from Blog/Website
After you make a blog or website, keep promoting it to bring traffic. Once you have steady traffic on your website, generating ads will benefit you. There are various types of ad revenue generation techniques.
First is Pay Per Click (PPC) where you get paid every time a visitor of your website clicks on the advertisement that is displayed. The problem with this type is, you receive a good sum of money ONLY if you can generate a lot of traffic on your site.
And the other one is Cost Per Mille (CPM). Here, Mille means thousand i.e. when you get a thousand pageviews on your site, you get a specific amount of money which has been fixed.
- Create a Review Website
Well, how exactly can you earn through a review website? By posting reviews, right?
No! Writing reviews alone doesn’t help you to earn. Here you are using both the above process i.e. you are using affiliate marketing as well as Ad Revenue.
So, review the products available on the online stores and add affiliate links. And you can lend the remaining space of your page to the advertisers.
- Earn by doing Guest Posting
Another one of the best ways to make money online. If you are just beginning your career in Blogging, guest posting is something that can help you. You can guest post for different sites until you find your niche but keep this in mind that guest posting doesn’t pay you much.
Not all sites will pay you. But many of them do pay handsomely. Here’s the one from Tutsplus:
- Freelancing
Okay, so this is one of the most effective ways to earn online. Register yourself for some of the freelancing websites like Upwork, PeoplePerHour, TopTal, etc.
Most of the people look for some freelancers online for doing editing work, graphics designing, writing, etc. This can be your chance to show off your skills and earn money through freelance work.
Indeed or LinkedIn, you can find various clients through these platforms also.
Also Read: 5 Freelance Job You can Do While At Home
These are just five of the basic ways in which you can make money over the internet but there may be ample others. Neither the number of opportunities is limited nor this list can be completed.
You can discover a few tricks to generate income online by yourself. Good luck!