These days, lots of terms are thrown about in the media that can seem confusing; such as content generation. However by not understanding what it is, companies could be throwing away the chance to invest in something that will benefit their business in a very real way.
What is content generation?
It is usually defined as the art of creating blocks of content for websites – in any form, such as blogs, news articles or evergreen (static content that doesn’t date) – that is optimized to gain the attention of the big search engines, like Google or Bing.
However in addition to achieving a spot on those elusive search engine results pages (SERPs), this type of content should also be informative and authoritative – without pushing a brand or overselling it. It is an excellent way to heighten the credibility of a brand, increase the traffic to their website and improve their audience reach.
Before a business can even dream of creating content, it must work with SEO or content marketing professionals to ascertain the right keywords to use within the copy. The keywords are the things that help connect the content with search engines, as they are commonly made from phrases that would be searched for by consumers.
For example, a company selling boxes of organic fruit, delivered to a customers’ door, might use phrases such as ‘buy bananas’, or ‘fruit boxes’. By using these, the business should see an increase in the amount of customers coming through the metaphorical door.
Some content generated for this purpose is also accompanied by relevant images, and can be distributed across several social media sites. This helps a brand to communicate with its younger audience effectively, and helps catch the attention of more visual learners – who are more likely to respond to an image than just plain text.
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