5 Top Ways to Promote Your Website through Social Media

top ways to promote your websiteGoogle has made it clear it’s not enough to write great content, get back links, and invest time guest posting in order to gain authority for your website anymore—now they’re saying it also takes a presence in social media. Making your presence known on the big social networks is not only good for page results, however, since interacting with customers and a potential customer is just good business. If you do not already have a presence on these five top social markets, it’s time you got one.

Facebook Pages

At the end of 2011, Facebook reported having 845 million active monthly users and 483 million daily users.

This huge potential audience represents a relatively easy and free way to promote your website to many potential customers. It can also be a way to interact with and keep your present customers interested in your brand.

In order to be effective, you will need to load your Facebook Page with interesting content; ask questions, post behind the scenes pictures and videos. Pages also need to be updated or else the page could become a turn-off to potential customers if it hasn’t been updated since 1999.

Facebook Page popularity is gauged by how many “Likes” the page has garnered. This makes it a little awkward for new Facebook Page owners. To gain credibility, build your network by connecting to your existing customers first. After your customers have “Liked” your page, their friends will see the “Likes” and possibly start following you.

You could also consider buying Facebook fans from a reputable dealer to get you started. Having a respectable number of Facebook Likes will give your new page instant credibility.


According to a report by Twopchart, 11 new Twitter accounts are being opened every second and the total of Twitter accounts should reach 500 million by 2012.

If you haven’t been using Twitter, then you have been missing getting traffic, plain and simple. Suffice it to say, Twitter is a very powerful marketing tool where website owners can get a lot of value for a small investment of time.

Setting up a RSS feed from a blog or website to feed to Twitter can help automate the process. There are also a number of free and premium Twitter management programs that schedule tweets.


The new boy on the block is Google+ heralded by many as being poised to take over Facebook in a very short time. With over 62 million users as of December, 2011 only four months from the time it opened membership to all, Google+ is growing rapidly.

In addition, since Google has made it clear that authority in social media will become a factor in determining a website’s authority in the future; it is no wonder that internet promoters are all jumping on the Google social media bandwagon.

Besides getting link on the search engine giant’s PR personal social network, internet marketers can choose the circles to which they promote their website giving them the advantage of targeted marketing.

Linked In

Linked In had 135 million users in December 2011 and is, according to senior vice president of product development Deep Nishar, adding 10 new members every 5 seconds.

Linked In is not just a network for advancing one’s career; it is also good for making connections with potential customers in your website’s niche. Promote your website by joining or starting your own groups, following, connecting and posting articles with links to your website.

Other ways to get your website noticed is by posting to your status, creating LinkedIn polls, answering a Linked In answer, getting recommendations from clients or advertise for employees.
You can also find out what’s being said about your company on Twitter and LinkedIn using a Linked in app called Company Buzz.

You Tube

YouTube has over 490 million users who, according to the company, tweets 400 tweets per minute containing a link to YouTube. The company also says that over 150 years worth of YouTube videos are being watched every single day on Facebook.

Conclusion? Having your website linked to a popular YouTube video is a great way to bring traffic to your website.

Don’t have, don’t want to have or can’t get a video? Pay to link to or advertise on a popular YouTube video already getting many hits.

With the impressive audiences these five social media giants share, it’s no wonder that these are ones most every internet marketer includes in their social media marketing plan.

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