Five Pro Tips in Creating a Logo

To avoid creating a cheesy or overly-complicated logo, follow a few design tips. Some of them include keeping the design elements in proportion, using a simple color palette, and avoiding copycat logos. If you can master these tips, your logo design will surely stand out from the crowd. However, remember that these tips may not work for every logo design.Tips For Creating Logo

Avoiding Cliches

The number one essential factor when you create a logo is to avoid using cliches. Clichés are corny words, phrases, and design elements that have been overused, meaning they lose their meaning and become corny. Avoid these words and phrases in your logo design.

While using cliches in your design may be tempting, this can sabotage your creative freedom. Using a logo that evokes the same feeling like a competitor will make it difficult to stand out from the competition and have your company recognized by many people. Moreover, using a logo with cliches can cause copyright issues, limiting your competitive advantage and allowing your competitors to take a bite out of your market share.

Keeping Design Elements In Proportion

When designing logos, remember the golden rule: keep all elements in proportion. Each design element has a specific visual weight, such as the font or color of the text, and balance between the two. Too many design elements can make a logo look unbalanced. This golden rule is a key to logo design and will help you achieve a cohesive, balanced brand image.

When creating a logo, keep in mind the big picture. Consider the basic framework of your organization and the different brand offerings. You might have sub-brands, different services, or even a master brand. If so, consider each brand’s proportions and consider whether they’re close family members or distant relatives. A brand should communicate its unique value and products and services without making the different elements seem insignificant.

Keeping Color Palette Simple

Keep your logo color palette to three or four primary colors, depending on your brand’s personality. A triadic palette can be a great choice if you’re looking to avoid too much contrast.

To create a logo, you can choose complementary colors for contrast. Complementary colors are found on the color wheel and enhance each other. For example, green boosts red while blue helps orange. Likewise, purple brings out red, and so does green. Complementary colors will make your logo stand out from the crowd.

Avoiding Copycat Logos

One way to avoid copycat logos is to create a unique logo. Unlike competitors’ logos, your logo should be unique and emphasize your product’s special qualities. Consider the logo of Pepsi, for example. It was a copycat of Coca-Cola’s logo, and its red, blue, and white color scheme was very similar to that of Coca-Cola.

While copying a successful brand is tempting, this is a bad idea. It makes your business look mediocre, and consumers will assume that it lacks originality. Instead of aspiring to be the next Burger King, strive to make your logo distinctive. While copying an iconic logo is tempting, you should strive to be a trendsetter and avoid copying competitors’ branding. Don’t copy another brand’s logo without figuring out how it looks like yours.

Keeping Design Elements In Line With Your Target Demographic

When creating a logo, it is essential to keep design elements in line with your target demographic. For example, western audiences generally read from left to right, so things on the left side of a logo will be perceived as necessary. Likewise, items that are spaced differently will give a more relaxing effect. For example, if your target audience is primarily men, using large, empty spaces could make them feel more masculine and stable.

A logo is the face of your business, and as such, it should be as appealing and memorable as possible. It should be able to connect with your target demographic instantly. It should convey a message about your product or service and create a memorable image in people’s minds. Keeping design elements in line with your target demographic is essential to its success.