Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most difficult steps in building an online business. It can also be very time consuming for those who cannot outsource their indexing strategies. We’ve seen it time and time again where one business will have a great idea, but the owners become impatient because their SEO strategies take too long to see results, if any.
We’ve always blamed this scenario on a lack of knowledge. After all, how many times have you read about a “hot tip” to get ranked faster, but when you use it there are little to no results? This scenario occurs more often than you think, and it’s because anyone can tell you they are an expert in the SEO industry. In all actuality, the majority of SEO information online is either false or half-true.
Once you filter through all the Internet Marketing promotional pieces (you know, where they give you partial information and ask you to buy the rest), you are left with the following best SEO tricks to get ranked quickly:
3 Best SEO Tricks
1. Google Analytics
We understand that Google Analytics is foreign to a lot of newcomers, but it’s something you MUST use for your online business. Simply signing up alone allows Google to index your website faster. We’ve tested it with a countless number of websites. If you don’t sign up for it and add it to your website, it will take Google longer to index your pages.
Even though there are SEO specialists out there claiming; “its SEO strategists against the Google team,” it’s really about you understand how Google and the other search engines are setup. Since Google is the leader, they want to see websites add Google Analytics. Therefore, it’s just one of the ways to get ranked quickly.
2. Dig into the HTML
Another avenue that will help out tremendously is your ability to do some work “behind-the-scenes” of your website. However, if you have no knowledge of HTML, hire an expert to do it for you. First, open up another browser real quick and go to, If you look at the top of their page it reads; “EzineArticles Submission – Submit Your Best Quality Original Articles for Massive Exposure, Ezine Publishers Get 25 Free Article Reprints.” Why is this a big deal? Well, it’s called the Meta Description area, and it’s used as a summary for your website.
Many people will tell you that meta descriptions play no role in search engine optimization. This is another one of those half-truths. They definitely don’t have as much magnitude as in the past, but meta descriptions do have a factor in it all. They also provide information to anyone reviewing the results page, so a good one can help you convert more visitors.
Other areas of HTML to utilize in your SEO strategies are:
- Title Tag
- Heading Tags
3. The Short Version of Backlinking
We can all agree that backlinking is a major SEO component to building a better search engine ranking. Granted, it’s important to utilize good-quality backlinks, but there are 3 that will make a huge difference. Instead of spending countless hours in article and web directories, focus on writing a Wikipedia article for your website. Also, take the time to get backlinks from .edu and .gov locations.
These three areas are extremely helpful if you want to get ranked faster. It’s also helpful if you have a business budget where most of your work can be outsourced to reputable companies.
The Finishing Touch
Knowledge is important in search engine optimization, but the right knowledge will always be the key to a successful strategy. It provides you with the ability to accomplish goals, focus on the task at hand, and see faster results in your SEO strategies.
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