What intrigues me about social media is that no one knows for sure how to use this shiny new toy. Everyone around will tell you why you should be on social media sites but when you confront them what you are most likely to do to make your brand stand out of the crowd, they will utter one single word – “Quality”. As you are fully aware of the fact that “Quality” is a value term in itself and it varies person to person. So, the question still remain unanswered – “How I can promote my business on social networking site?” Well, I am not here to give you some shortcut tips to success, rather I am here to make you aware of some social media marketing tips that you should not ignore if you wish to make your mark felt in this fiercely competitive industry:
It is what you and not what you do
Most marketing agency believe that they need to push their marketing effort to get their offer reach out to wider audience. But this is the wrong thing to do. Social media marketing is like TV advertising where you cannot push your audience to buy your product rather your objective should be influencing their buying decision. So, rather than making your targeted audience bombarded with ads, you need to focus on building great relationship with them.
Do Not Outsource
How you can even imagine that people from a far off land would be able to present your brand image with meticulous efficiency in social media sites? Most of the out sourcing agencies recruit fresher to bring down the cost of production and that means, your social media presence will not be in safe hand. So, never ever outsource your social media marketing job to someone who does know who you are or what you do.
It is lengthy Job
You cannot expect that your Facebook account will start buzzing with activities as soon as you join in. Nope, there is no shortcut to success. Social media marketing is totally unpredictable and it takes really long time to get the people engaged. Take it this way – can you expect that you can be a good friend with someone in a week? Hopefully not. It takes time and the same rule is applicable with social media marketing. However, you can expedite the things a bit by launching new offers or paid advertisement as in the case with Facebook.
It is more than Facebook and Twitter
Some people are of the opinion that social media marketing begins and ends with Facebook and twitter. Now, do not that short sighted because there are loads of things you can do promote your business in social circle other than sharing, retweeting or increasing the number of fans and Likes in Facebook. Wondering what else you can do other than these time tested things. Here they go –
- Blogger outreach
- Sharing images in some photo sharing sites
- Building a great community
- Holding contest
- Creating awesome videos and then making it viral
- Following up online correspond
- Attending events and social media meet-ups
If you have not tried them yet, it is high time that you should invest some time and effort to make them success.
Do Not count Numbers only
Do not rush after the number of twitter followers or facebook fans because number can be screwed easily. So, all you got to do is to focus on interaction and everything else is secondary. What you need to do is to connect with the right audience because a mixed bag of audience is not going to help you hugely when it comes to see an increase in engagement.
It is More than Social
What people fail to realize is that social media is more than just copy and pasting your blog URL or posting some random comment. It is about getting connected to right audience. Sometimes, you will find clients that you come to you asking you to promote an article. You need to treat your blog more than just a vehicle to promote your service. Nope, it has to be treated as a vital marketing tool. So you need to make the client aware of its importance so that you can use it to make his brand presence look awesome.
Social media is not Cheap
Nothing in the world comes for cheap. Joining a social media website does not cost you a penny but that does not mean that maintain it would cost you nothing. You need to hire the right marketing guy, has to pay the electric bills, room rents, Internet connect bill and lot more and this all need to be calculated while determining the cost of running a social media marketing campaign. So next time you treat social media marketing cheap, you need to take into consideration the aforementioned factors.