Welcome back.This is a post about how to make your website/blog more Google friendly. What will happen if your site will removed from the Google index. I bet you can not think about that day. It is very important that your website be listed among Google’s search results. In this post I will discuss some facts you should always remember to make your website or blog more Google friendly. So, here is the list to win the Google heart easily.
1. Original content
This is the first thing we should do to get lots of love from Google. Don’t use any software or rewritter script to write or generate a post. The other thing you should remember to win the Google heart is don’t copy contents from other blogs. Otherwise you will ban by Google.
2. Don’t follow trend
If you do so, you are competing with millions of bloggers with same idea. So, I think trend is not the best topic. What my advice is try to focus on your keyword.
3. Blog Better
Do your best and believe me you will get best result. But it is not a one day work.It takes lots of time, hard work and patience.
4. Avoid paid post
This is another most important point you should always remember to get love from Google. Better go for an affiliate post.
5. Don’t buy or sell links
Google absolutely hates sites that do that. If you are a serious blogger, you will never do that. Because you love your site.
6. Avoid broken links
Google really hates it. Don’t include any links to your website that is not available.
7. Speed
Your site speed really matters. I think all webmasters monitor their site performance regularly using various tools like yslow, Google webmaster tool.
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