5 Reasons to Start Guest Blogging

reasons to start guest bloggingThere are many bloggers out there who are not too keen on guest blogging, because many of them see it as giving something without getting much back in return. That could not be farther from the truth. Guest blogging can do a lot for your Internet presence and could help immensely in establishing your brand online and attracting new readers to your blog.

Here are five reasons why you should start guest blogging if you have yet to do so.

Top Reasons to Start Guest Blogging

Gain exposure

Writing a guest post for a well-established and popular blog can get you on the blogrolls of many new, potential readers. Your guest blog should serve as a shining example of what blog readers can expect if they were to visit your own blog. The blog you are sending it to will be glad to accept and promote some quality, original content, and you will be given the opportunity to introduce yourself and your own blog to many readers who might have not known of your blog earlier. It works out very well for everyone involved, provided that the blog post you are submitting showcases your writing and its best.

Establish credibility

If you are submitting a blog post to a popular and trusted blog and your blog post is then accepted and featured on that site, your credibility as a blogger and expert in your niche will grow exponentially. When you are being featured on a blog that is known for featuring experts, you will be considered an expert on the topic you are writing about as well by its readers. Establishing yourself as a leader and expert in your niche is one of the best things that you can do for yourself as a blogger, and guest blogging allows you to do that fairly easily if you are producing good content and getting featured on the right blogs.

Increase traffic

If you are submitting great content as a guest blogger, an increase of quality traffic to your own blog is a given. By guest blogging within your niche, you are addressing the exact demographic of blog readers that you want to be addressing. Guest blogging is one of the best and most organic ways to increase your traffic because of this.


Establishing strong relationships with the people who run the best and most popular blogs in your field will do nothing but help you in the long-run. Networking with these people can improve your presence not only in the blogosphere, but in just about every social media channel. When these bloggers know you, know your blog, and appreciate you writing, they will be more likely to share your posts on Facebook and retweet you every time you share some new content on Twitter.  Getting in good with the most influential bloggers in your niche can really help to increase your influence and boost your status as a blogger as well.

Improve SEO

Guest blogging is also one of the best ways to work on improving your blogs search engine optimization. Just about every single SEO strategy that is recognized as being a good one focuses a lot on getting high quality inbound links coming to your site from reputable sites that deal with the same or similar topics that your site deals with. And just about every blog allows you to include a link to your blog at the end of your blog post. Also, your guest post on one site can very easily end up getting shared by another blog, which will further increase the number of links going to your site from various related blogs.

Guest blogging allows you to increase the profile of your own blog in a very natural and healthy way. The many benefits that come from guest blogging heavily outweigh the negative perception of “writing great content for someone else’s blog instead of your own,” which many bloggers wrongfully harbor.

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