Traffic is one of the most important part of any website/blog. Driving targeted traffic to your site is not an easy task. Lots of important things you have to do or maintain to get those traffic. In order to drive traffic to your site, you need to promote your site. If you not able to get visitors, a site with great content, great design is not going to help you make money online. The more traffic you will get, the more money you can make with your blog. There are lots of ways to drive quality traffic to your site, some of them are mentioned below.
30 Best Ways to Drive Targeted Traffic
1. Keep adding fresh, relevant, useful content.
2. Provide freebies, like free ebooks, free downloads etc to your readers.
3. Submit your site to free website review sites.
4. Choose a memorable domain name.
5. Put your blog URL in your forum signatures.
6. Use keywords in the title of your post.
7. Submit to the main directories like yahoo, dmoz, WOW directory.
8. Make a wiki and hubpage for your blog.
9. Run a contest at least twice in a year.
10. By Writing articles for other sites.
11. Create a Facebook fan page for your blog.
12. Create a hi5 page for your blog.
13. Create an account on stumbleupon, and stumble each and every article you write.
14. By participating in forums. Especially forums related to your niche.
15. Add a “digg it” and “Google buzz” button right after your post, to make it easy for your readers to digg your post.
16. Join blogcatalog and mybloglog.
17. Use a free keyword tool to find and use good ranking keywords in your niche.
18. Make use of “all in one SEO” plug-in to make your blog search engine friendly.
19. Make your RSS easy for people to subscribe.
20. Leave comments on blogs.Please don’t spam.
21. Use reliable web hosting-Use a good reliable web host.
22. Do something funny.
23. Make a 125×125 banner for your blog and exchange with other interested bloggers
24. Try to add something odd in your web site.
25. Use your blog name as your user name when leaving comment on other blogs.
26. Use your best articles to post on other peoples blog as a guest writer.
27. Try offline advertising.
28. Keep your blog clean.
29. Make a Squidoo lens and get a link to your blog.
30. Participate in various social networking sites.
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